
Build all assets (Bare Mux, transports, proxy files, and chemical client scripts) into a folder.


Install chemicaljs if you have not already.

Create a new build.

const build = new ChemicalBuild({
    path: "dist",
    default: "uv",
    uv: true,
    scramjet: true,
    meteor: true,
    rammerhead: false,

Write to the build path with build.write() use build.write(true) to first empty the directory.


pathstringFolder to build into.
defaultuv | scramjet | meteor | rammerheadSets the default proxy.
uvtrue | falseEnable Ultraviolet.
scramjettrue | falseEnable Scramjet.
meteortrue | falseEnable Meteor.
rammerheadtrue | falseEnable Rammerhead.